Thank you for your interest in the Long Distance Nutrition Program at the Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor. You have already taken the first step to better your health by being here. Working with one of our qualified practitioners will get you the best results and grant you access to all of the products we have to offer.
To get started on your nutritional healing journey, you will want to schedule a phone visit. During this visit, your practitioner will gather information about your health and recommend different therapies, diets, and supplements based on their findings. After the visit, you will be transferred to one of our Long Distance Patient Coordinators- they will send you your supplement schedule and get you set up for your next appointment. The recommended supplements can be ordered directly from our website. See below for details.
Dr. Schmidt Distance Patient Nutrition Program:
This option includes a new patient phone cunsultation, 5 follow up phone calls, and access to the 7 Steps to Health.
Other Practitioners Distance Patient Nutrition Program:
You will be working with one of our other practitioners: Kerry, Kristen, Dr. Amanda, or Dr. Taggy. There are two options available for these practitioners. The first option is to have a new patient phone consult, 5 follow up visits, and access to the 7 Steps to Health. The other options is to have the new patient phone consult and 3 follow up visits, the 7 Steps to Health is not included. Please inquire for prices.
**All payments are due at the time of booking.
If you have further questions or would like to move forward and take advantage of any of these opportunities, please call (734) 436-3948 or fill out the inquiry form below and we will conatct you shortly!