RNA stands for Ribonucleic Acid and this supplement helps your body make protein. There can be free-floating protein in your body, which can slow down circulation resulting in cold hands and cold feet- we see this especially in the elderly. While there are a lot of causes for decreased circulation, one of the most common ones is lack of tissue regeneration and accumulation of proteins in the blood; so when you take RNA, it makes the DNA incorporate that free-floating protein to repair and create new tissue.
RNA is also good for the brain and central nervous system- when you take this product your cerebellum works better, your memory comes back, and your cognition improves. This supplement can also repair central sleep apnea, which is different than obstructive sleep apnea. In our office, we have seen many patients significantly improve their sleep apnea with this one supplement.
Check with your practitioner if you feel that this supplement is right for you.